How to paint with oil paint – Creating Fat Over Lean Mediums

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Oil painting is a popular medium among artists due to its ability to create rich, luminous colors. However, one of the challenges of oil painting is controlling the drying time of the paint. A fat over lean medium can help regulate the drying time and prevent cracking in the paint.

A fat over lean medium is created by mixing linseed oil and odorless mineral spirits. The idea behind the fat over lean principle is that each layer of paint should have more oil in it than the previous one. This allows each layer to dry at the same rate, preventing cracking or other damage to the paint.

Here are the steps to create a fat over lean medium for oil painting:

Gather materials: You will need linseed oil, odorless mineral spirits, and a mixing container.

Mix the linseed oil and mineral spirits: Start by mixing equal parts of linseed oil and mineral spirits in the mixing container. Stir the mixture until it is well combined.

Adjust the consistency: Depending on your personal preference, you may want to add more linseed oil or mineral spirits to the mixture to make it thicker or thinner. A thicker medium will produce a more opaque paint, while a thinner medium will result in a more transparent paint.

Store the medium: Store the medium in an airtight container, away from light and heat. Be sure to label the container so you know what is inside.

Use the medium: When you are ready to start painting, mix a small amount of the medium into your paint to make it more fluid. Then, follow the fat over lean principle by applying each successive layer with a higher concentration of oil.

By following these steps, you can create a fat over lean medium that will help regulate the drying time of your oil paint, preventing cracking and other damage to your paintings.


How To Paint – Painting Skies – Using saturation and value to create distance and depth in your oil and acrylic painting

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Creating the illusion of distance in oil paintings can be a challenging task, but with a few key elements, it is possible to achieve stunning results. In this blog, we will focus on using cool colors, value, and saturation to paint distance in oil paintings.

Use Cool Colors
When it comes to painting distance in oil paintings, the use of cool colors is essential. Cool colors, such as blue, green, and purple, are known for their calming and receding effect, which can help to create the illusion of distance. To achieve this effect, choose cool colors for the background and reserve warm colors for the foreground elements of your painting.

Pay Attention to Value
Since your entire sky will consist of cooler colors you’ll need to focus on value and saturation. Value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color and plays an important role in creating the illusion of depth in oil paintings. To achieve this effect, use cool colors with a light value in the background and gradually increase the value as you move to the foreground elements. This will help to create the illusion of depth and distance, as the eye naturally perceives lighter values as receding and darker values as coming forward.

Experiment with Saturation
Saturation refers to the intensity or purity of a color. By using cool colors with varying levels of saturation, you can create depth and distance in your oil painting. For example, you can use highly saturated cool colors in the foreground and gradually decrease the saturation as you move to the background. This will help to create a sense of depth and distance, as the eye perceives more intense colors as closer and less intense colors as farther away.

In conclusion, by combining the use of cool colors, value, and saturation, you can create stunning oil paintings that capture the depth and beauty of the world around you. Remember, the key is to experiment and find what works best for you and your artistic style. So, grab your brushes and paints and get started on your next masterpiece!

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