Filomena Irving – Snow on Pond – Palette Knife Acrylic Painting Lesson DVD

Filomena Irving – Snow on Pond – Palette Knife Acrylic Painting Lesson DVD

US $35.00




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Sometimes a painting just needs some texture. The best way to create a textured painting? Using the palette knife.

In this lesson with Filomena Irving, she will show you how to create a beautiful winter scene with just a palette knife. Learn how to create texture, use different movements with the knife and how to continuously layer your paint to build movement.

You’ll have so much fun with this lesson, and you’ll learn a ton! Don’t miss out on this acrylic painting lesson!

Canvas Size: 11 X 14
Colors Used: Red Oxide (alternative: burnt sienna), alizarin crimson, cobalt blue, titanium white, yellow ochre, ultramarine blue, burnt sienna, lemon yellow (alternative cad yellow), cerulean blue, cadmium red
Palette Knife used: Diamond shape medium and small.

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