Basic Landscape Fundamentals

Basic Landscape Fundamentals

US $179.00


For the DVD version of this lesson, click here.

The New Basic Landscape Fundamentals – An Acrylic Painting Lesson Experience

This painting lesson series is more than just lessons. It is a painting learning experience. There are 16 basic lessons included in this series that cover everything from basic clouds to water and grass. You will learn everything you need to know to create amazing paintings. You will learn what brushes to use, what paint colors to mix and how to apply the paint!

Watch This Video To See My Recommended Supplies.

An Always Growing, Changing Series of Lessons

Here is the best part to this series. It will ALWAYS be added to and changing. The 12 basic lessons will show you how to create landscapes, but as an artist I am always developing new techniques. As I create these new techniques I will continue to add new lessons to this series occasionally. You only need to buy this series once, and you will always have access to it.

There are no viewing limits to this series. You will have access to it forever! After you purchase the set the lesson videos will appear below on this page! You can stream them online or download them to your hard drive!

What the Basic Landscape Fundamentals Includes:

Lessons 1 – 6 Skies and Clouds
Lessons 6 – 10 Hills, Trees and Grass
Lessons 11 – 12 Water, Rocks
Lessons 13 – 17 Paintings from Start To Finish

Private Facebook Group for help – You will gain access to my private facebook group for help. Here you can discuss your progress, get help and critique with others who are taking the same course. This will help you get the most out of your lessons because you will be able to get multiple opinions and a variety of tips from hundreds of other people.

Recommended Colors: Cerulean Blue, Brilliant Blue (liquitex), Raw Umber, Burnt Umber, Sap Green, Terre Verte, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Yellow Medium, Cadmium Red Medium (it is always good to build up a variety of blues, reds and yellows. You can make every color from those three colors). Ultramarine Blue can be used in place of Prussian Blue. Those two colors are used very slightly in the lessons.

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To purchase this lesson, click Add to Cart, then click Checkout, and follow the onscreen instructions. Once you've completed the order, you'll be able to instantly access the lesson by clicking the blue button labeled with your display name in the upper-right and then selecting My Painting Lessons.

Note: DVD orders are shipped via First Class mail and should arrive within 5 to 7 business days.

With every Tim Gagnon Studio online lesson purchase, you receive:

  • Immediate access – just purchase and begin painting
  • Start to finish instruction – no cutouts – you’ll see every brushstroke of every painting
  • Easy-to-learn techniques – develop skills to promote consistency in your style for a more professional look
  • Unlimited viewing, no expiration – view the lesson as many times as you’d like, whenever you’d like
  • Download the lesson directly to your hard drive for easy, offline access
  • No expiration – once purchased, you’ll have access to the lesson forever
  • FREE access to Critique Corner community – get/give advice, interact, and share photos of your work with other artists taking the same lesson

Tim Gagnon is the creator of online and DVD-based instructional art lessons for over 17,500 students in over 30 countries.  In 2012, he was voted as one of the Top 50 Emerging Artists by Art Business News. His easy-to-learn instruction and unique, modern style has propelled him to one of the most followed artists in the United States.

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