Quick Sunset in Acrylic – A DVD Painting Lesson

Quick Sunset in Acrylic – A DVD Painting Lesson

US $25.00



Want to loosen up and paint a great painting at the same time? My quick lessons are for you! This lesson will take you through an entire painting in under an hour. Create a beautiful acrylic sunset painting with a limited palette and loose brush strokes. I’ll take you through every color mixture and brush stroke!

Colors Used: Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Yellow Medium, Cadmium Orange Medium, Teal, Ultramarine Violet, Pthalo Blue, Titanium White

Canvas Size: 11 X 14

Medium: Acrylic on canvas

To purchase this lesson, click Add to Cart, then click Checkout, and follow the onscreen instructions. Once you've completed the order, you'll be able to instantly access the lesson by clicking the blue button labeled with your display name in the upper-right and then selecting My Painting Lessons.

Note: DVD orders are shipped via First Class mail and should arrive within 5 to 7 business days.

With every Tim Gagnon Studio online lesson purchase, you receive:

  • Immediate access – just purchase and begin painting
  • Start to finish instruction – no cutouts – you’ll see every brushstroke of every painting
  • Easy-to-learn techniques – develop skills to promote consistency in your style for a more professional look
  • Unlimited viewing, no expiration – view the lesson as many times as you’d like, whenever you’d like
  • Download the lesson directly to your hard drive for easy, offline access
  • No expiration – once purchased, you’ll have access to the lesson forever
  • FREE access to Critique Corner community – get/give advice, interact, and share photos of your work with other artists taking the same lesson

Tim Gagnon is the creator of online and DVD-based instructional art lessons for over 17,500 students in over 30 countries.  In 2012, he was voted as one of the Top 50 Emerging Artists by Art Business News. His easy-to-learn instruction and unique, modern style has propelled him to one of the most followed artists in the United States.

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