Violet Blossoms Over Canola – An Acrylic Painting Lesson on DVD

Violet Blossoms Over Canola – An Acrylic Painting Lesson on DVD

US $30.00



Lesson begins shipping on August 5th, order now and save $5

Create a colorful, complimentary painting in this 1.5 hour painting lesson. In this lesson I will show you how I create a simplified background that is effective in bringing the focus to the foreground. We will then work through the middle ground, creating hills, tree lines, and a canola field. From there we will tackle creating a big beautiful focal tree, using purples, alizarin and pinks.

This tree compliments the bits of yellows throughout the middle ground perfectly. The puffy clouds in the background helps bring focus to the shape and vibrancy of the focal tree.

I’ll show you each step of the way in this painting lesson. From mixing color, to applying the brush strokes to create grass and foliage. Join me in this fun, colorful tutorial!

Canvas Size: 18 X 24 (any size canvas, portrait style will work perfectly)

Medium: Acrylic

Colors Used: Cerulean Blue Deep (substitute with cerulean blue, raw umber, ultramarine blue mix), Ultramarine Blue, Titanium White, Zinc White, Cadmium Yellow Medium, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Raw Umber, Alizarin Crimson

Lesson Length: 1.5 hours

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