The Road Home – An Acrylic Painting Lesson

The Road Home – An Acrylic Painting Lesson

US $30.00



In this lesson I will show you how I paint my latest painting The Road Home.  This lesson is a little longer than usual because there is so much put into this painting.  I layer the paint a lot to get the bluish haze in the atmosphere and the luminous quality to the snow.  This lesson is edited to show how to create each step without it being too long.

The Road Home is a painting based on the road that I live on.  It is called the Haystack Road because as you drive on it you can see the iconic little mountain Haystack.  I never take this view for granted as I drive home from wherever I’ve been.  It’s something I always look at and admire as I drive into my driveway.  I have always wanted to paint the drive home, so I decided a winter scene would be perfect and tackled the project.  Here is a time lapse preview of the painting.  The painting lesson is in real time with in detail instruction.

The Road Home (time lapse):

Colors used in this lesson:  Brilliant Blue, Cerulean Blue, Cerulean Blue Deep, Ultramarine Blue, Raw Umber, Naples Yellow, Alizarin Crimson

Lesson Length: 2 hours

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