The Old Road Takes You There – An Online Acrylic Painting Lesson

The Old Road Takes You There – An Online Acrylic Painting Lesson

US $20.00



This lesson will be available to view on October 27th (or sooner), if you pre-order now you’ll save $5!

Video Length: 2.5 hours

Medium: Acrylic

Canvas Size: 20 X 20 (any size will be okay though)

Colors Needed: Raw Umber, Transparent Red Oxide (alternative: Red Oxide/Burnt Sienna), Zinc White, Titanium White, Brilliant Blue (alternative: Cerulean Blue) Ultramarine Blue, Light Purple (alternative: any violet color), Yellow Ochre, Naples Yellow

About This Painting Lesson:

This lesson focuses on painting roads, and creating a dramatic atmosphere and setting.  Roads tell such great stories, and this lesson will help you on your way to creating great narratives in your paintings.

In order to go to that wedding, funeral, first date, basketball game, family get together, we have to take roads. They hold an amazing significance that maybe we don’t always recognize. Old tar roads, dirt roads, highways, they all have their landmarks that we recognize, an old tree, a dilapidated building, and things that give us that nostalgic feeling. We go for drives on roads to unwind, de-stress, to think, listen to music, try out that new car, or just because we are bored and we want to cruise around with the windows down.

This is why I’ve found a new fascination with painting roads. The final destination is a mystery in each painting, but it always holds significance to the person traveling that road.

A road in a painting makes you travel into it and live there for a moment.

I’ll take you through each step of this painting.  It’s a lot of fun, and has a lot of great new techniques for you to try!

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