The Icy River Road To Light – An Acrylic Painting Lesson (DVD)

The Icy River Road To Light – An Acrylic Painting Lesson (DVD)

US $30.00



Title: The Icy River Road To Light
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Lesson Length: 2.5 hours
Supplies needed: 18 X 24 inch canvas (or similar ratio), Cerulean Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Cadmium Red Medium, Titanium White, Zinc White, Raw Umber, Burnt Sienna

About this painting:
I got the idea for this painting when I was thinking about a time I went snowshoeing on a stream in the woods. It was frozen solid and a lot of the snow had blown off the ice making it look like a winding road through the trees. I thought it was a really surreal looking atmosphere at the time, and when I was thinking about it recently, thought it would make a great painting.

Follow along with me as I show you all the steps to create this icy atmospheric painting in acrylics. I’ll tackle the cumulus clouds and show you how to create depth in the snow. It’s a lot of fun, and will take you to a cold but magical land!

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