Rose Breasted Grosbeak and Magnolia – An Acrylic Online Painting Lesson

Rose Breasted Grosbeak and Magnolia – An Acrylic Online Painting Lesson

US $20.00



In this lesson I will show you how to paint a Rose Breasted Grosbeak and Magnolia Blossom. First we start our lesson off with a drawing demonstration. I will take you through a very detailed drawing, showing how I created a variety of values and shapes. This will help me when I go to paint, because I’ll already have my composition worked out, my proportions and I’ve got my hand eye coordination geared up and ready to go.

Once we’ve completed the drawing lesson it’s time to go to the canvas. I’ll walk you through each step and every detail to painting a Rose Breasted Grosbeak. From highlighting the beak, to using blue colors to create a sense of white shadows. Every little detail is there. Then we will move on the creating a beautiful magnolia blossom to finish off the painting.

The drawing lesson is about 1.5 hours, and the painting lesson is about 2 hours total. That is 3.5 hours of lessons!

Here are the supplies you’ll need:
Canvas: 11 X 14 inch canvas (any size is fine though)
Drawing Paper: I use gray toned paper for my drawing
Drawing Pencils: You’ll need some drawing pencils, and I also use a white colored pencil for highlights
Paint: Acrylic paint in the following colors; titanium white, zinc white, cadmium red medium, cadmium red light, yellow ochre, burnt sienna, ultramarine blue, raw umber, ultramarine violet (or you can mix your own purple, this color is optional), alizarin crimson, brilliant blue (another optional color).

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