Quick Sunset in Oil – An Online Oil Painting Lesson

Quick Sunset in Oil – An Online Oil Painting Lesson

US $20.00



Want to loosen up and paint care free? This is the type of lesson for you. In this video I will take you through every brush stroke and paint mixture to create a beautiful sunset painting in oil in under an hour! This is a great painting if you haven’t tried using oil before, and have only used acrylic. I explain how the paints work differently and what mediums to use to make it easier to transition. If you’re already an oil painter, these will be good refresher tips.

Not only will this loose painting style keep your skills sharp, it’ll be very rewarding to learn you can create a great painting in little time. You’ll be able to take these quicker looser brush strokes with you and add them to some of your longer more detailed paintings.

Colors Used: Cadmium Orange, Alizarin Crimson, Titanium White, Turqouise, Kings Blue Deep (substitute cerulean blue and white) Cadmium Yellow Medium

Medium Used: Neo Megilp, or use Liquin Original

Canvas Size: 11 X 14

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