Light Catches My Horns – An Oil Painting Lesson on DVD

Light Catches My Horns – An Oil Painting Lesson on DVD

US $35.00


This lesson comes out on October 2nd at 10AM EST.

Come learn how to create this allegorical painting in oil. The mountain goat climbs to the top of highest rock pile on the highest mountain to bathe in the moonlight. The moon shines so bright and reflects off the edges of the surrounding clouds streaming by, and catches all the edges of the rocks and body of the goat.

In this lesson I’ll teach you every step in the process of creating this oil painting. Learn how to create a dark sky without using black, how to create interesting clouds that are highlighted by the bright light of the moon. Learn how to transfer a sketch within an oil painting. Learn how to paint rocks and highlight them very subtle.

You’ll have to much with this lesson, and the great thing is its a very limited palette so the color mixing aspect won’t be difficult. We only use 4 total colors to create this fun painting.

Colors Used: Alizarin Crimson, Prussian Blue, Flake White, Raw Umber
Mediums Used: Fat Medium (50/50 linseed oil – OMS mix)
Canvas Size: 24 X 36 (any similar ratio canvas will work)

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