Gray Day – An Online Painting Lesson

Gray Day – An Online Painting Lesson

US $40.00


For DVD version, click here.

Gray Day was inspired by the long grueling days of winter in Northern Maine. Snow is a beautiful obstacle. It blankets the earth as far as you can see. The only open areas are the roads and driveways to your snow-banked home. This painting is about the beauty of winter, but the dark side of its length. Starting in November, and ending in April or May, the length of winter is the hardest part to adapt to. The first snow is refreshing, as is the last melt. The days are shortened by an early sunset and a late sunrise. The bare trees dance in the subzero winds. The frozen branches make a muffled click as they clang together like a music free wind chime. The winter is dark, but beautiful.

Important: You can save money if you order the series “The Classics.” This lesson is part of that series, which includes 3 other painting lessons that show how to paint some of my most popular paintings. You can read more about that series by CLICKING HERE!

Length: 2 hours 45 minutes

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