Canadian Rockies – An Oil Painting Lesson on DVD

Canadian Rockies – An Oil Painting Lesson on DVD

US $25.00



This painting lesson is a great one for someone who loves mountains. Painting mountains is something that takes some time and concentration, and in this video I will show you every step of the way. I include a video about the supplies you’ll need (paint, medium, brushes) before we get started. Watch how I layer oil paints to create great atmosphere, light and reflection.

Video Length: About 3 hours

Supplies you’ll need:
Raw Umber, Ultramarine Blue, Pthalo Blue, Prussian Blue, Zinc White, Titanium White, Cool White (optional), Warm White (optional), Burnt Sienna, Yellow Ochre, Liquin Original (medium), Odorless Mineral Spirits

Canvas Size: 18 X 36 (any long format canvas will be fine)

Reference photo is included with the lesson.

About this painting:
This painting was created from my memory, and images I took at Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada. It is a magical place with a feeling that you have arrived at the gates of heaven. The air is clean, crips and cool as it rests gently on your face. The mountains continue forever into the distance, capped with snow and glaciers. The sky is big, and blue. A place I like to return every now in my mind and with the paint brushes.

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