Blazing Downpour – An online oil painting lesson

Blazing Downpour – An online oil painting lesson

US $20.00



I recently moved to a new house with a great view. One of the first days I was here a huge storm came through and it looked like the rain was on fire in the distance. I thought to myself, “I’m going to paint that!” So I did! I also created an oil painting lesson out of it as well. This one is fun because it is challenging, but the end result is a beautiful storm!

I will take you through each part of this lesson, from start to finish. We will tone the canvas with acrylic raw umber to start with, so please have that handy when you start the lesson. I will show you how to use the mediums, mix the colors and apply the paint to create Blazing Downpour. I leave no stone un-turned when showing you all the steps.

Lesson length:
2.5 hours
Colors used: Cadmium Red Light, Radiant Lemon Yellow (or just lemon yellow, or naples yellow for replacement), Pthalo Blue, Zinc White, Titanium White, Raw Umber, Turquoise (optional, used very very little in the lesson), Yellow Ochre, Prussian Blue
Mediums: Oderless Mineral Spirits, Linseed Oil, Walnut Oil (optional)
Canvas Size: 18 X 36 If you can’t find an 18 X 36 you can use a 10 X 20, 12 X 24, anything that doubles the height in the width.

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