Grown On The Side Hill – An Acrylic Painting Lesson on DVD

Grown On The Side Hill – An Acrylic Painting Lesson on DVD

US $30.00



I’ve spent many years working on brush techniques that will create a sense of realism, but maintain a true painterly look. It’s a balance that can be hard to achieve. A lot of times painting every individual leaf or blade of grass with a liner brush seems the only way to get realistic details. That is not the case. You can layer paint effectively, and use certain brushes to create a painterly realism.

In this lesson I will show you brush techniques and layering to create just that. In Grown On The Side Hill I will take you through each step in creating this painting. Sometimes we can overthink a background, when in reality it doesn’t need a lot of detail to be real and effective. I’ll show you how to conquer that in this lesson. Then from there we will work our way through each distance. From sky, to horizon, to hills to the tree line and finally the focal tree.

Learn each step with me. This lesson is only about 1.5 hours long. You can achieve a lot in just a little time if you just know how to use the brushes to make things happen. Come learn that with me in this lesson.

Lesson Preview:

Canvas size: 16 X 20
Colors used: Cadmium Yellow Medium, Cerulean Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Titanium White, Raw Umber, Teal (very minimal, not too important)
Lesson Length: 1.5 hours
Reference Photo: Included online (dvd purchase also allows online access)

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