Tonal Forests #1 – An ONLINE Acrylic Painting Lesson

Tonal Forests #1 – An ONLINE Acrylic Painting Lesson

US $20.00


Lesson will be available for viewing on August 18

Create a misty forest painting with a new angle in this painting lesson. Tonal Forests takes the misty forest approach and adds the tonal aspect to it.

Using a limited palette, we will take the same approach as a misty forest with a few twists. These paintings are fun, straight forward and great for anyone learning to paint or those with experience who want to add another type of painting to their arsenal.

I’ll take you through every step of the way, from painting the textured background to working through each layer of the painting into the foreground. Learn how to create effective branches, trees, depth and mood in this lesson.

Colors Used: Raw Umber, Cerulean Blue, Cadmium Yellow Medium, Titanium White
Canvas Size: 16 X 20 (any size canvas can be used for this lesson)
Lesson Length: 1 hour 15 minutes

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