Falling on Red Leaves – An Oil Painting Lesson ONLINE

Falling on Red Leaves – An Oil Painting Lesson ONLINE

US $20.00


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Falling on Red Leaves

About this oil painting lesson

Falling on Red Leaves will take you through creating a red leafed tree with light sweeping across the top of the tree, while the rest falls into shadow.  This colorful painting lesson will show you how to create a large paintings (24 X 36) from start to finish.  We start with the background, shape out some clouds and sky and move into the foreground where we will layer our tree with fine detail until we create this beautiful and colorful image.

This lesson will also have a Take it Further follow up video, as well as some “Here are the details” videos.  The “Here are the details” videos will show you close up how leaves are created in short clips.  The regular lesson has all the steps, but if you want to cut to the chase you can watch the shorter video to see how the details are created so you can work more on your own.  That is up to you, as some people prefer that.  But if you prefer to see every brush stroke you can watch the full length video.  Or you can watch both!

The Take it Further video will offer suggestions for adding even more detail and layers beyond the regular lesson.  The Take it Further video will be posted one week after the release of the regular lesson.

Colors used in this lesson

Amethyst, Alizarin Crimson, Burnt Sienna, Cadmium Red Light, Cadmium Red Orange, Cadmium Yellow Medium, Titanium White, Raw Umber, Ultramarine Blue

Mediums Used in This Lesson

Liquin original, linseed oil

Canvas Size

24 x 36 (any size canvas can work for this one!)

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