Tall Trees of Winter – An Acrylic Painting Lesson on DVD

Tall Trees of Winter – An Acrylic Painting Lesson on DVD

US $30.00



Want to get loose when you paint? Want to create a painting that has a lot of detail without sweating the detail? Then this lesson is for you. This lesson is a fun layering approach to a winter forest scene. I’ll take you through creating loose brushstrokes and layering your paint to create this cool snowy landscape. If you ever feel like you’re a little too structured and want to create a painting where you use a lot of quick brushstrokes then you’ll want to try this one out!

Lesson Details:

Length: 1.5 hours
Canvas Size: 20 X 10 (any tall canvas will work)
Medium: Acrylic
Colors Needed: Ultramarine Blue, Ultramarine Violet, Alizarin Crimson, Raw Umber, Raw Sienna, Zinc White, Titanium White

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