The Golden Cloud – An Oil Painting Lesson

The Golden Cloud – An Oil Painting Lesson

US $20.00



Lesson Preview:

In my lesson The Golden Cloud you’ll learn how to create a warm tonal painting that has a lot of atmosphere. I will take you through all the steps in creating this great painting in this 2 hour 15 minutes video painting lesson.

Each step of the way is documented. I do not leave any brush strokes out of the video, so you’ll go through every single step with me. From color mixing to applying the paint I will show you how to create magical clouds, and tonal distance using only 4 colors. This is a great lesson for one who struggles with color, or for someone who really wants to learn how to create a great work of art with minimal color or a tonal vibe.

If you’ve ordered a lesson from me in the past you can now join my private facebook group where we have a ton of discussion, critiques and fun! After you order visit this link to join (this is replacing critique forum):

Colors needed for this lesson: Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Raw Umber, Titanium White
Mediums needed: Liquin Original or Neo Megilp by Gamblin (recommended), Linseed Oil, Oderless Mineral Spirits (for cleaning brushes)
Canvas Size: 20 X 30 (but you can use any size canvas you choose)

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