Catching Rays of Light – A DVD lesson from the Dramatic Sky Series

Catching Rays of Light – A DVD lesson from the Dramatic Sky Series

US $45.00


This is Lesson 2 of the Dramatic Sky Series. You are ordering the individual lesson from that set. To order the complete set CLICK HERE. You’ll save money and get a bonus lesson you can only get in the set!

The Dramatic Sky Landscape Series

A four lesson acrylic painting lesson set

In this series I will show you how I create my signature dramatic skies. We will cover each painting from start to finish. Not only will I show you how to create dramatic skies in acrylic, with ambient light, light rays shooting through the skies, flickers of light on the horizon, I will show you how to create interesting foregrounds to go with them.

After you’ve completed this series you will have the know-how to complete your own paintings in dramatic fashion. There’s nothing like a powerful sky to set the mood for your paintings. These techniques are easier than you might think too! So even if you are new to painting, don’t feel intimidated by the power you see in the skies :). Once you have the technique down, you’ll think these skies are a piece of cake. Below I will show you the four lessons you will receive in this series.

Lesson 2: Catching Rays of Light







Lesson Length: About two and a half hours

Colors used in Lesson 2 – Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue, Raw Umber, Titanium White, Zinc White, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red Medium, Burnt Sienna (optional), Naples Yellow (optional)
Canvas size: 24 X 36

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