A Tale Of Tall Tree Life – An Acrylic Painting Lesson (DVD)

A Tale Of Tall Tree Life – An Acrylic Painting Lesson (DVD)

US $30.00



Title: A Tale Of Tall Tree Life
Type of Lesson: Acrylic on stretched canvas
Lesson Length: 3 hours
Supplies you will need: 18 X 36 canvas (or any similar 1 to 2 ratio, ie 10 X 20), Cerulean Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Cadmium Red Medium, Brilliant Blue, Titanium White, Zinc White, Raw Umber, Burnt Sienna, Cadmium Yellow Medium
About this lesson: When I was 10 years old a few friends and I built a tree house in my backyard. We built it into an old tree. I can’t remember the type of tree it was, but it had multiple trunks coming up forming a perfect basket to hold the tree house. I based this tree house on that tree. Your imagination runs wild when you sit in your tree house. High off the ground. You feel like you are in another world, and in another time. I still remember having those feelings sitting in my old tree house with my friends. It was an adventure just climbing up the tree, and up through the secret door in the floor of the tree house. So when I think about my old tree house, I think of it high up on a cliff overlooking the world. Because when you are a kid, 8 feet off the ground feels like you are a mile high. f

Learn every step of this painting with me. I’ll show you all the layering from the clouds in the background to the bark on the tree in the foreground. It’s a great, magical painting. One you’ll enjoy creating for yourself, and adding your own magical touches.

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