Finding My Center – An Acrylic Painting Lesson ONLINE

Finding My Center – An Acrylic Painting Lesson ONLINE

US $25.00



Finding My Center is an acrylic painting lesson that will teach you how to paint this painting from start to finish. In this lesson you’ll learn how to mix color, apply the paint and pick your brushes. Each brush technique is covered and every brush stroke is shown on video.

The deep woods is something I’m very fond of painting. It has a magical feel to it. It’s a place where you can go to let all of your thoughts run free. A place to relax and connect with nature. I’m always trying to capture that feeling with all of my forest paintings. With this painting I really wanted to do something subtle. A tonal piece just captures the calmness of the forest. The shapes and simple value shifts give the painting a natural feel. Not only that, it makes color mixing a lot simpler.

I hope you come to the forest with me and paint Finding My Center. It’s a really fun painting lesson, and you can relax as you create a beautiful painting. You’ll put yourself right in the middle of the trees with your paint brush.

Colors Used: Burnt Umber, Raw Umber, Yellow Ochre, Cerulean Blue, Titanium White (fluid is preferred but not required).

Canvas Size: 18 X 36 (any long canvas will work)

Lesson Length: 2 hours

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