Early Light on Heavy Snow – An Oil Painting Lesson on DVD

Early Light on Heavy Snow – An Oil Painting Lesson on DVD

US $25.00



Join me in painting a sunrise winter scene in oil. Learn how to create this painting titled Early Light on Heavy Snow with me from start to finish. I’ll show you each step in the way in creating this textured, and colorful winter painting.

I’ll take you through creating the overall composition, by blocking in loose shapes and values with a neutral color. From there we will start adding in layers. Building up textures and thicker paint as we go.

From the block in I’ll show you how to create a gradient in the sky to create atmosphere, and then how to block in our dark layers that we can build lighter layers on top of to create depth. Learn how to create a stream, snow, trees, and hills with all simple direct brush strokes. Learn the fat over lean approach when it comes to painting oil.

They layered paint really brings this painting to life. Come join the fun!

Medium: Oil paint, and 50/50 fat over lean mediums
Canvas Size: 10 X 20 (any long canvas will work)
Colors Used: Alizarin Crimson, Yellow Ochre, Titanium White, Ultramarine Blue, Raw Umber

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