Where The Red Trees Grow – An Oil Painting Lesson

Where The Red Trees Grow – An Oil Painting Lesson

US $20.00



Learn to paint my latest painting “Where The Red Trees Grow,” in this two hour oil painting lesson.  I will show you how you can easily blend out sharp edges in our clouds and distant hills to create a sense of atmosphere and depth.  Learn how to mix oil colors, use liquin to thin paint and increase drying time, and how to add texture to the foreground.  I will show you how to create this painting from start to finish!  This is a great lesson and the colors are a ton of fun!  Let’s get painting!

Lesson length: 2 hours

Colors used:  Cadmium Red Medium, Crimson Lake (you can use alizarin crimson in place of this),  Naples Yellow, Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Sienna, Titanium White, Zinc White, Cerulean Blue, Raw Umber

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