Cloudy Days and Waterways – A DVD Oil Painting Lesson

Cloudy Days and Waterways – A DVD Oil Painting Lesson

US $40.00



Cloudy Days and Waterways is my latest oil painting lesson.  Learn how to create an amazing mood with layering just a few colors.  In this 2.5 hour lesson you will learn how to set up your painting with basic color, then how to layer colors using liquin gel medium.  Using this medium allows you to paint with thin layers creating great depth and detail while keeping a painterly feel.

This lesson is broken into two parts. Both parts are on ONE DVD.

Part 1:  In this part of the lesson I will show you how to create the sky and how to block in the foreground

Part 2:  Here we will cover the details and finishing touches of the painting

This is an oil painting lesson, but you can follow along with acrylics as well.  Just use water in place of liquin original. I also use Burnt Sienna and Raw Umber acrylics to tone the canvas to start with.

DVD ships free worldwide.

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